Hiking Holidays
Hiking paradise Plose
Mountain experiences in an alpine setting
An extensive network of hiking trails is located in the hiking paradise Plose on the slopes of the mountains. In the region you may find everything from easy walks to challenging climbing tours and a variety of hiking trails of varying difficulty. If you love the mountain air, you should not miss a walk on the High Trail of Bressanone. Fantastic views of the Isarco Valley and the bright limestone peaks of the Dolomites are beautiful vistas on this route. The path takes you past lush meadows and babbling mountain streams. It passes rocky scree areas and quaint alpine taverns invite you to take a break.
Exciting hike
Hiking holidays with children in South Tyrol:
theme trails and fun paths
Eine abwechslungsreiche Genusswanderung, die auch von den jüngsten Urlaubern gut zu bewältigen ist, führt Sie im Wanderparadies Plose über einen Panoramawanderweg bis zur Rossalm. Die Strecke besitzt nur leichte Anstiege und nach einer Stunde erreichen Sie einen herrlich gelegenen Berggasthof mit einer wunderschönen Sonnenterrasse. Während Sie die traumhafte Aussicht bei einer Tasse Cappuccino genießen, können Ihre Kinder auf dem Spielplatz nach Herzenslust herumtoben. Eine erlebnisreiche Familienwanderung führt Sie in Ihrem Wanderurlaub mit Kindern in Südtirol auf einen Wanderweg mit dem klangvollen Namen „Woody Walk“. Den Wegesrand säumen zahlreiche Stationen, die immer neue Überraschungen bereithalten und den Ausflug abwechslungsreich und unterhaltsam gestalten. Unterwegs genießen Sie fantastische Aussichten auf den Gipfel des Peitlerkofels.
Beautiful destinations
around Bressanone
Mittelalterliche Burgen und historische Klosteranlagen bilden in der Umgebung von Brixen attraktive Ausflugsziele. Die Wanderwege Vals, Gitschberg und Jochtal laden in der näheren Umgebung derKircherhofes zu Ausflügen ein. Unternehmen Sie eine Wanderung in die kleine Alpenstadt Klausen und verbinden Sie den Ausflug mit einem Abstecher zum Kloster Säben oder einem Besuch im Freischwimmbad. Interessante Eindrücke erwarten Sie bei einem Besuch der Anlage des Chorherrenstiftes Neustift und Schloss Rodeneck. Mit unzähligen subtropischen Pflanzen und Gewächsen empfängt Sie darüber hinaus der botanische Garten von Schloss Trauttmansdorff in der Kurstadt Meran. Im Frühling begleitet Sie der Duft Tausender Apfelblüten in der Region von Brixen. Unvergleichliche Impressionen erleben Sie in dieser Jahreszeit auf Wanderungen auf dem Apfelplateau Natz/Schabs. Dort können Sie außerdem dem Rudolf Bacher Museum einen Besuch abstatten. Im Herbst laden die Buschenschänken im Wanderparadies Plose zum Törggelen ein. Genießen Sie in rustikalem Ambiente herzhafte Südtiroler Spezialitäten und den noch jungen Wein der aktuellen Saison.
Holidays on the farm Kircherhof
Autumn colours in Val d‘Isarco
In the autumn, the Val d’Isarco transforms into a blaze of colours. The leaves on the trees shine in carmine red and honey yellow, and the lush green of the conifers creates impressive contrasts. Warm air flows from the Mediterranean bring mild temperatures to the Val d’Isarco in autumn, and on the mountains you enjoy a fantastic panoramic view. Hikes in the autumn take you from the farm Kircherhof across brightly coloured vineyards and green pastures. On Mount Plose the family trail to the Lodge Rossalm invites you to enjoy nature, and mountaineers may breathe the crystal clear air on the High Trail of Bressanone.
Holidays on the farm Kircherhof
Autumn colours in Val d‘Isarco
In the autumn, the Val d’Isarco transforms into a blaze of colours. The leaves on the trees shine in carmine red and honey yellow, and the lush green of the conifers creates impressive contrasts. Warm air flows from the Mediterranean bring mild temperatures to the Val d’Isarco in autumn, and on the mountains you enjoy a fantastic panoramic view. Hikes in the autumn take you from the farm Kircherhof across brightly coloured vineyards and green pastures. On Mount Plose the family trail to the Lodge Rossalm invites you to enjoy nature, and mountaineers may breathe the crystal clear air on the High Trail of Bressanone.
Fascinating autumn holidays:
colourful events in Val d‘Isarco
In the autumn, in the towns and villages of the Valle Isarco numerous exciting events take place, which have a long tradition. Among the most important events, there is the Apple Festival on the high plateau of Naz/Sciaves. Highlight of the festivities is the annual coronation of the new Apple Queen. Culinary highlights in Val d‘Isarco include the Sunnseitn Apple Weeks and the Chestnut Weeks in the city of Bressanone. Furthermore, during your autumn holiday you should not miss the traditional cattle drive, when the festively decorated cows make their way into the winter quarters in the valley.

Fascinating autumn holidays:
colourful events in Val d‘Isarco
In the autumn, in the towns and villages of the Valle Isarco numerous exciting events take place, which have a long tradition. Among the most important events, there is the Apple Festival on the high plateau of Naz/Sciaves. Highlight of the festivities is the annual coronation of the new Apple Queen. Culinary highlights in Val d‘Isarco include the Sunnseitn Apple Weeks and the Chestnut Weeks in the city of Bressanone. Furthermore, during your autumn holiday you should not miss the traditional cattle drive, when the festively decorated cows make their way into the winter quarters in the valley.

Törggelen in Val d‘Isarco
Pleasant vacation weeks in autumn
Autumn in South Tyrol is a season for gourmets. In October, the wine taverns in the mountain villages open their doors to visitors and invite you to enjoy savoury delicacies. Delicious ravioli (Schlutzkrapfen), hearty meat platters and sweet pancakes are served in a rustic atmosphere, accompanied by a glass of natural apple juice or by the young wine of the current season. In the immediate vicinity of the farm Kircherhof you will find the farm Aichnerhof that invites you to Törggelen in South Tyrol.

Törggelen in Val d‘Isarco
Pleasant vacation weeks in autumn
Autumn in South Tyrol is a season for gourmets. In October, the wine taverns in the mountain villages open their doors to visitors and invite you to enjoy savoury delicacies. Delicious ravioli (Schlutzkrapfen), hearty meat platters and sweet pancakes are served in a rustic atmosphere, accompanied by a glass of natural apple juice or by the young wine of the current season. In the immediate vicinity of the farm Kircherhof you will find the farm Oachnerhof that invites you to Törggelen in South Tyrol.